During this quarter we have carried out this work in English. We said on 6 of 8 planets there are. We have done in pairs.
Durant aquest trimestre hem dut a terme aquest treball en anglès. Hem explicat 6 dels 8 planetes que hi trobareu. L'hem fet en parelles.
Uran is the seventh planet of the solar system.
Uran has got a similar composition of the neptun.
It was discovered by John Flamstee in 1690.Uran is composed of ice and rocks.
Uran hasn’t got satellites. Neptun and Uran are called huge frozen planets. The color of the planet is blue and white. You can see Uran with the binoculars.
Jupiter is the firsth planet of solar sistem. Jupiter’s weight is 318 bigger of the earth and 3 weith bigger of the Saturn. Jupiter would need 80 times its mass to become a star. Jupiter become 2 centimetres shorter every year.
After its formation, Jupiter was very much hotter and it had twice its diameter than nowawadays. After its formations, Jupiter was very hot and it had a diameter almost double that it has nowawadays. That thing brought the astronomers to call it with the name of “failured star”.
Mercury is the nearest planet to the Sun, and it is the smallest planet of the solar system.The color of Mercury is grey. It c an turn around the Sun in 88 days, this means that one mercurian year takes 88 days. Mercury is similar to the moon because it has a lot of craters and the color is similar to the moon.
Saturn is the sixth planet of the solar system. Saturn is 1.400.000.000 km from the Sun.
Saturn changes the colour into red , blue… Saturn has got sixty-one satellites. The biggest satellite is called Tita. You can see Saturn with prysmatics. Saturn has got a magnetic field. The wind can reach a speed of 1.800 km/h . Saturn is composed to the 75% of hydrogen and 25% of helium.
Neptun is the eigth planet of the Solar System. Its name is due to a Roman God of the sea. Neptun is a blue planet and big planet. It was discovered in 23 rd September in 1846.Neptun has got 13 satellites.
Mars is called sometimes the red planet. It is the fourth shepe.