Hola a tothom, el dimarts dia 21 vam anar al teatre, concretament un d’anglès que es titulava “Freaky”.Aquest teatre va durar una hora i mitja. Ens ho vam passar molt bé. El teatre va de dos amigues que van a un campament d’estiu, i es troben a un noi que és una mica diferent, però molt simpàtic. Al final en Fred s’acaba guanyant l’amistat de la Eevie.
A continuació podreu veure uns quants comentaris de Cicle Superior respecte el teatre ``Freaky´´.
I liked the play very much because the characters were very funny (Imen).
The performance was very easy to follow (Mar).
I liked the meaning of the play: you mustn’t judge people for their physical appearance but their inner side (Noel).
Our favourite actress was Eevie because she was very funny and extroverty. She vocalised very good and she gesticulated a lot. So that was the reason for us to be so easy to understand (Tina has started and the rest of the constellations have continued this long sentence).
She is an excellent performer (Alba).
I was very thankful because this method facilitated my compehension (Pablo).
Alba i Tina